a little update + all the goods


after months of telling all our friends + fam we’re moving an hour south where William works, we finally looked into moving, and now we’re looking into buying instead of renting. and so begins house-hunting! we’ll see how it goes. for now, I’m soaking up my favorite season in my favorite little city, embracing the rain (i love rain!), eating soup and roasted beets, getting good at toe yoga, practicing tree pose on the bosu ball (yikes/fun), and drinking copious cups of tea. links below to all the things that have filled me up. enjoy, if you’ve the mind.


Stop googling. Let’s Talk. 

Flapping My Wings. Reset Run.

Into the Storm.

A Typical Week of School Lunch For Kids in Paris vs. New York

There is so much focus on protein these days when most people are getting more than enough. But I love Gena Hamshaw’s 15 simple, affordable, and protein rich combinations of plant foods and her breakdown of grams and ounce equivalents. It is a good reminder when bombarded with all sorts of hype and hyperfocus on this nutrient that in a well-balanced diet, protein really should not be a problem, even when there are no meats and dairy products included.

Anne’s article on How to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings.  My summary: sleep, eat (enough) early and often. I used to reallly struggle with #2, as I was always in a restriction mindset and the end of the day was miserable. Now, my mid-day meal is generally the largest of the day or at least equal in size to dinner and sugar (or carbs in general) cravings are no longer an issue.

I’m a big proponent of addressing illness/disease through diet. I like this thought-provoking article on addressing depression, particularly the addition of healthy DHA and EPA omega-3 fats. For me personally, when I look at my health over the long-term (mid-teen to now), I can see that my mind got a lot stronger when I started taking omega-3s daily–or perhaps it was the addition of Vitamin D? I added both at the same time!

And, personalities. I LOVE personality tests, both for myself and others. I’ve been re-reading StrengthsFinder, Strengths-Based Leadership, and taking all sorts of Myers Briggs tests (always with the same result). I find personality tests especially helpful when going back to the basics with questions of what do I really want and how do I want to make it happen? Plus, this fun, artsy book is a good one if you’re at a crossroads in life.


In between lots of improv meals, I’ve been loosely following and putting my own spin on recipes from cookbooks this fall.

Smoky Beet Burgers — the bestest veggie burgers

Pomegranate + Hazelnut Moroccan Grain Salad

Walnut + Chocolate Chili, Green Kitchen Travels 

Sweet Potato + Eggplant MoussakaGreen Kitchen Travels

Autumn Panzanella Salad, Small Plates & Sweet Treats

Veggie + Soba (Stir Fry) with Mapled TofuSK Bowl and Spoon

Lentil + Mushroom Stuffed Peppers over Butternut Mash, SK Bowl and Spoon

Roasted Parsnip and Apple Soup, Small Plates & Sweet Treats

Red Kuri Squash + Spinach Tortilla , Small Plates & Sweet Treats

Butternut Squash + Quince Soup

Parsnip Carrot Cake Oats

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